Neither side explained what really went on behind the scenes and why Apple stopped approving updates for everyone around the world when the app is only banned in Russian Federation.Ever since the Russia-wide ban on Telegram, Apple has allegedly blocked the app from making updates to its services. Telegram is challenging the block in Russian courts.But the new rules say that so-called remote mirroring apps, which beam the screen of a desktop computer to an iPhone, can allow purchases outside Apple’s control as long as the transactions are processed on the desktop device and not the iPhone. Truth be told, Russian Federation obviously sent a letter to Apple only a couple of days back requesting that the organization expel Telegram from its offerings within the month, or face legitimate consequences. Apple, on the other hand, has generally championed user privacy and also fought back against government intervention.”Russia banned Telegram on its territory in April because we refused to provide decryption keys for all our users’ communications to Russia’s security agencies”.Earlier it was reported that Roskomnadzor demanded that Apple remove the application Telegram with the online store AppStore in Russian Federation, and to prohibit mailing of the messenger.So far, it has…