Anthony Zurcher @awzurcher on Twitter Published 12 January 2018 Share close Share page Copy link About sharing It’s a quarter of the way through Donald Trump’s presidential term – long enough to judge his performance so far. There have been promises kept, promises broken and promises ignored. But how much have his policies changed things? A business tycoon with no political experience, he said he came to Washington to make waves. Has he succeeded? Immigration The Trump administration tackled the immigration issue pretty much right out of the gate, with its ill-fated executive order closing the US border to entrants from a handful of majority-Muslim nations. Implementation of that effort led to chaos at US airports and a quick suspension at the hands of US courts. Since then, the White House has rolled out two new border orders, adding a few countries to the banned list and removing one (Sudan). The latest measures have, at least so far, largely withstood legal challenge. Immigration enforcement has also been ramped up – 143,470 arrests for violations for the year ending in October – a 30% increase. Mr Trump also announced an end to the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (Daca) programme,…