January 09, 2018 – 15:32 GMT Chloe Best Meghan Markle wore her hair in a loose bun for a royal engagement in Brixton. The Suits actress joined Prince Harry at Reprezent Radio Meghan Markle switched up her signature beauty look for something a little different on Tuesday afternoon. The actress wore her hair tied back into a relaxed bun as she joined Prince Harry for an official engagement at the studios of youth-oriented radio station Reprezent FM, located at Pop Brixton.The 36-year-old tied her hair back into a bun, with loose strands down to frame her face. She completed the look with natural make-up; a flawless base and nude lip added the perfect finishing touches. STORY: Meghan Markle and Prince Harry charm crowds in Brixton Meghan Markle wore her hair in a relaxed bun It was a new look for Meghan, who typically wears her long hair down, and was most recently seen with sleek, side-swept tresses for the royal family’s outing to church at the Sandringham Estate on Christmas Day. The former Suits star also used the occasion to showcase her support for British fashion, and looked fashion forward in a pale camel Smythe coat, a Marks and Spencer jumper…