Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have embarked upon their first royal outing together as a couple affianced. Help! Yes! Meghan! Harry! So exciting for me and also for you! Their first excursion as engaged people was to Nottingham, where they were preparing to attend a charity fair for World AIDS Day. Approximately a bajillion people camped out along their predetermined route, clutching flowers, cameras, and boxes of chocolates, eager to get a glimpse, press a palm, touch the edge of a stray jacket and whatnot. The BBC reports that the crowd was kind and happy to see the fancy new lady Harry is finally going to marry. They also reported that the following exchange happened, which has tickled me more than anything has tickled me in a while, as I’m dead on the inside and Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s love is all I have left. Another member of the public shouted to Prince Harry: “How does it feel being a ginger with Meghan?” “It’s great isn’t it?” The prince replied. Please inform me if I’m missing some nuance of British culture about Harry’s gingerness; if not I’ll just chalk this up to the over-excited public shouting whatever pops into…