Prince Harry and Meghan Markle announced their engagement on Monday morning. The couple revealed that they will marry in Spring 2018. The exact date is unknown, as is where the ceremony will take place. Westminster Abbey is available to the couple, despite the fact that Markle is a divorcee. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle publicly announced their engagement on Monday morning. The announcement revealed that the couple became engaged in London earlier this month, that a wedding will take place in Spring 2018, and that the couple will live together in the grounds of Kensington Palace. What wasn’t announced, however, was the wedding’s exact date – or its venue. Speculation over the location of the ceremony has circulated for weeks amongst rumours of the couple’s impending engagement. Tradition in the royal family is to wed in the Church of England, and Westminster Abbey and St Paul’s Cathedral – the wedding venues of Harry’s grandparents and parents respectively – are both possible locations. This is despite the fact that Markle is a divorcee. She was married to TV and film producer Trevor Engelson between 2011 and 2013. Until 2002, divorcees could not marry again under the Church of England. However, the…