Prince Harry’s marriage to U.S. actress Meghan Markle next May promises to be the wedding of the year and this week’s engagement news made headlines around the world — but not in China. The vast majority of Chinese are better acquainted with Harry Potter than Prince Harry and news of his engagement made barely a ripple in the country. AFP hit the streets of Shanghai — China’s most cosmopolitan city — armed with a color photograph of the happy couple to ask people if they recognized Harry or Markle, who played a lawyer in the hit U.S. television show “Suits”. Of 10 passersby, just three were able to recognize one of the most famous men alive and none could name his fiancée. “President, right? President and his wife?” asked Hu Jie, the boss of a jewellery shop, two white dogs peeping out of her handbag, one at each end. Two people thought the photo depicted the AFP reporter. “Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations,” said software salesman Fang Cheng, going to shake the reporter’s hand, before his error was pointed out. Another said he only knew one member of the British royal family — named David Beckham. But it was not all bad…