I’m 22 years old, and I am almost five years sober. I’ve never had a legal drink, and after a lot of work, I can say that I don’t plan to.I have many people in my life to thank for helping me get to this place. My parents, my sister, Alcoholics Anonymous, my good friends, and my sponsor. But let’s put it this way: While I may have just graduated from Stanford University with a degree in psychology, I don’t remember the spring semester of my senior year of high school. The stuff in between has been anything but easy.(Kick-start your new, healthy routine with Women’s Health’s 12-Week Total-Body Transformation!)I grew up in the picture-perfect home with the picture-perfect family. My parents are both doctors, and they sent me to an all-girls school, where I was undoubtedly the most awkward girl there. My lack of filter helped me hide from the fact that like those other girls, I really did just want to be accepted. I was 13 when I worked my way into the infamous “bad crowd.” With drugs, older guys, and alcohol, I was starting to feel like the bad kids weren’t so bad.That same year, my dad had…