Just a few short months after launching the impressive Vibe K4 Note ( Review | Pictures ) Lenovo has unveiled another low-cost phone called the Vibe K5 Plus . The new model, which launched in India before any other country , does not replace the popular K4 Note. In fact, priced at just Rs. 8,499, the K5 Plus is below the K4 Note in Lenovo’s hierarchy. This awkwardness is apparently due to internal reshuffling as the company gears up to integrate Motorola’s popular mid-budget offerings into its lineup . Naming aside, it’s pretty clear where the new model’s aspirations lie. There are a lot of great phones to be had for Rs. 10,000 or less today, and Lenovo wants in on that action. In that sense, the K5 Plus is more of an update to the extremely popular K3 Note ( Review | Pictures ), bringing a more premium look to an even lower price point. Look and feel The rear and sides are formed into a single shell that pops off with relatively little effort. It might look like there are strips of plastic on the top and bottom with metal in the middle, but it’s only a thin…