Cover letter templates have been used by people who are seeking employment for many years. They are a great tool for putting together a professional looking, proper cover letter so that one can have the best possible shot at getting the job they are applying for. Having a professional cover letter can result in landing someone a position, when that same individual may not have landed that position had it not been for the impressive looking resume. This very fact is the reason why so many millions of people use cover letter templates, so that they can ensure that they give the best first impression.There are a lot of places to find cover letter templates and cover letter samples online. While most of them are legitimate and excellent resources, there are always the scam artists that are out to make a quick buck. This is not only true for online websites; people scam other people off line just as often.The best thing to do is read up on the subject, and try to get some real customer reviews about a particular cover letter template site before you make a final decision.If something sounds ‘too good to be true’ — then…