You plan everything on your upcoming event from cater to venue but you have not arranged the transportation. There are things you should consider in hiring a limousine.Limousine can make you look great in every occasion or business events. You may have a doubt, which is the right limousine service you will hire. You can ask your friend, co-worker or family member for suggestion and recommendation. The best form of advertisement of limousine service; the person who rent the limo is happy and satisfied with their service. This will give ideas in which limousine service you will hire.In renting a limousine service, you must consider your budget. Some limousine service offers 3 hours minimum for rental. You will consider how many hours you will use it. Company charging fee varies from model and capacity. Depending on what model you seek. Of course the latest model you pick the higher renting fee you will pay.Make sure the limousine service is certified and insured. Ask the limousine service on their discount or any additional freebies you can get. The more accessories or amenities included in the limousine, the higher renting fee you will pay. Some amenities or accessories are stereo, TV, DVD…