Are you one of the millions of small business owners and professionals who have attended networking events held by the chamber of commerce or a business organization and found the experience to be far less than what you had hoped?Attending networking events has proven to be frustrating and ultimately a waste of time for many business owners and professionals.Typically, the frustrations and wasted time arise from two basic issues:1. Overblown expectations2. No plan of attackNetworking events, especially those of a general nature organized by the chamber or a general business organization, will not provide you with a plate full of potential prospects.If you can walk out of a networking event with three or four good potential contacts, you have done well. Unfortunately, many, especially those who are not networking junkies, attend these functions with the hope of leaving the event with a whole stack of business cards of great prospects.When their expectations are not met, they conclude that networking isn’t all it’s cracked up to be and decide their time is better spent elsewhere.In addition, most attendees do without a plan for using their time to the maximum. Rather than an organized plan, they simply attend hoping to “run into”…