For many credit cards can be a hassle or even a way to get deeper into debt and for others it can be a lifesaver, and still others a tool to enhance and even make their credit even better, but how is this done and what is the difference between these types of credit card owners. Despite what many say, credit cards are NOT the root of all evil.Our first group is one of dependence on credit cards, they spend what they have and rely on “fake money” as we call it to drive themselves into debt. They rob Peter to pay Paul, as the expression goes, borrowing from one credit card to pay another. This type of behavior can and does become addicting. Using one credit card to pay another not only has the potential to double your interest rate, but can put one at risk for bankruptcy and poverty. Some even in this group will apply for as many credit cards as possible before their late payments hit Equifax. For this group, credit counseling is much needed.Our second group is one where the use of a credit card can be a blessing. For example, if unforeseen circumstances come…